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Led light bulbs 'lighting

Feel like wax lanterns do? If ever you wanted to do wax lanterns, but have not known how to perform, or have believed that their development was very complex, do not miss this article.

We will demonstrate, thanks to friends of Great Evening , which is a quick and easy craft to do. Great Evening besides being a true expert in performing this type of crafts, also sell all kinds of materials needed to carry them out.

The Lanterns wax, also called light screens, or hollow candles can be very very decorative elements that help create relaxing environments.


This time we bring you another way to do this kind of elements that are being very showy, while easy to do.
A beacon wax large and tubular, inlaid with "tiles" of wax, which provide unrivaled lighting effects is. In addition, they can enter inside a simple mechanism of LED lighting , which will make your lantern wax a unique decorative element.
Before starting step by step, indicate that paraffins are used for such items, are different from each other, plus of course the quality, the degree of fusion. The degree of melting temperature results from paraffin which passes from solid to liquid state. This degree of fusion is measured in degrees Celsius, which is used in Spain.
Lanterns for wax, paraffin is the most appropriate 58ยบ that once solid state, is translucent letting the light from within.

Materials will need:

    • Paraffin 58th
    • Tubular metal mold 20 x 20 cm
    • Candle Mold Release
    • Tray that will not serve
    • A pot
    • Iron that only destinies crafts (optional)
    • Cutter or knife

Procedure to carry out:

Step 1: The first thing to do is bask in the pot on a kilo and a half paraffin until it becomes cloudy slightly.
Step 2: We apply release agent on the tray and pour paraffin over it, being careful not to overfill. And let dry. Before it is completely curd, when you have a similar texture to the dough, do some cuts in the shape of squares.
And now is when we let dry completely.
Once dry, take off all parts.

This step you can skip and go to step 3, but this way you get a beacon of more decorative and elaborate wax.
Step 3: Next apply release agent to the inside the larger mold, and on the outside of the smaller mold. Introduced one inside the other and pour some paraffin. Then we add pieces of paraffin that had previously prepared in the tray, so, let liquid paraffin alternating with "tiles" of wax.
At the edge of the mold, let it dry and, as you lower the level, we fill. Breaks a little thin film which is above, and filled to the brim.
If you chose to skip the step 2, in this third step you should only go pouring liquid paraffin on the inside of the molds, to the edge.
Step 4: Once dry, remove the inner mold and the cutter, cut one end to about 45 ° tilt, as we have to prepare for the base.
Step 5: We apply release agent on the surface that will work, and get in touch about it, the part we just cut to 45 °.
Paraffin again and pour into the beacon. Poured to give a similar beacon to the rest of the thickness. Now let dry.
Step 6: Now removes the outer mold. As you can see, the square pieces we put in solid appreciated. When you enter the light inside, he projected shadows and lighting effects that would not be achieved otherwise.

Step 7: Now ironed around the outside of the piece. Do not give too hot grilled, so avoid the paraffin melts in excess.
With this step you will get a beacon of totally smooth and soft wax, with impeccable and very professional finish. However if you look really hard, you could skip it.
Step 8: It only remains to introduce LED light inside the lantern and enjoy its effects.


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